Note to the Readers

Autor: Emilia, mama Laury Data: wrzesień 4, 2011 Kategoria: Bez kategorii | 0 Komentarzy

Dear Readers,

I would like to apologise all of you in advance for not replying to most of your comments and answering your questions. I’m asking you for understanding; caring for Laura is really absorbing and I don’ have enough time for writing comments and even putting new entries on my blog has become a problem for me. I usually manage to write something in the middle of a night. I want to assure you though that I read all of your comments and analyse in detail every piece of advice on how to treat Laura’s skin chafing. I then choose from all of your tips the most appropriate for my child and implement your pieces of advice in practice, however I’m not able to reply to all of you. I thank you with all my heart for all the tips and entries on my blog. I’m asking you for understanding as it comes to my ‘silence’ but now I have to focus mainly on Laura.


Emilia, Laura’s mum

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